Would you like to save money on your grocery bills this month? Fare For All buys fruits, vegetables, and frozen meat in bulk to save you up to 40% off grocery store prices.
Fare For All is located here in Northeast Minneapolis, located at 1404 Central Avenue Northeast. Fare For All is open one Friday per month.
This month Fare For All is open on Friday, August 16, from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m.
The next scheduled dates are September 13 and October 11.
Fare For All offers 4 food packages:
Produce Pack, $10 – five varieties of fresh vegetables and two varieties of fresh fruit
Meat Only Pack, $11 – 3-5 pounds of assorted meat items
Regular Pack, $20 – includes both the Produce and Meat Only Pack to save a dollar
Monthly Special, $25-30
For more information, please visit www.fareforall.org or call (763) 450-3880.