Deadline for comment: March 1st, 2017
At the February NEPNA Board meeting, the Board approved a motion to extend the approval deadline for the neighborhood’s Community Participation Plan (CPP) until April of 2017, in order to allow for neighborhood comment. The CPP document is an outline of how the neighborhood intends to undertake community engagement efforts, increase organizational capacity, reach out to underrepresented groups, and a budget projection for the coming years. The CPP is a required document for any Minneapolis neighborhood seeking funding through the 2017-2019 cycle.
We are requesting comment on the CPP report from the Northeast Park community. You can access the draft version of the CPP report and the budget here:
NEPNA 2017-2019 CPP Report for Review (PDF)
NEPNA 2017-2019 CPP Report for Review (Word)
You are welcome to review this document and submit comments to [email protected] by March 1st, 2017 to be incorporated into a revised draft. You may attend the March NEPNA meeting and make comments at that time (March 8th at 6:30 at Yinghua Academy).